How to play Balatro

Balatro is an exciting new single player single card game. The player’s goal is to complete 8 rounds using poker combinations and special amplifiers. The game combines elements of strategy and luck and requires the player to be attentive, thoughtful and make quick decisions.

Balatro Basics

Balatro is based on poker combinations such as pair, two pair, set, straight, flush and others. In each round, the participant gets a hand of 8 to 11 cards, depending on the level, and collects combinations of a maximum of 5 cards to earn a set number of points for a limited number of stage attempts.

The game consists of 8 rounds of 3 stages each, and the difficulty of the stages increases as you progress. The stages include individual tasks. If the player is unable or unwilling to pass a stage, it can be skipped with penalty points.

balatro online mobile game

At the end of the next stage, the user gets access to the store, where he can spend the money he has received – to buy jokers, Tarot cards and other amplifiers.

Each round requires the player to be able to adapt to changing conditions and use the available resources – primarily amplifiers – with maximum efficiency.

Upon successful completion of the last stage, Balatro will launch an endless mode that brings a new level of excitement to the game.

How to start the game

You can play Balatro on your computer or with your phone and tablet thanks to the mobile-adapted version of the website.

Before starting a game, the player chooses a deck of 52 cards – each deck has individual features and adds variety to the game. New decks are available as the player’s experience increases.

At the beginning of the round, the player will receive a minimum of 8 cards. The task is to decide which cards to keep and which to replace to create the best poker combination. For example, if you already have a ready pair in your hand, or a chance of a flush if you replace 1 card, you can swap up to 5 cards to increase the chances of a more valuable combination.

balatro combination

The “Run Info” button on the information panel will help you find out the value of each poker combination.

Not only the combination collected, but also the seniority of the cards from which it is composed is important for calculating the points earned.

Amplifiers are the key element of the Balatro game. Extra cards allow the participant to change 1 or more cards, double the points for a collected combination, get extra exchanges or money for using cards of a certain suit. Jokers, Tarot cards, spectral and planetary cards are available to the participant in the store as the game progresses.

Jokers: how to collect the best ones

In Balatro, players have access to 150 unique jokers that change the course of the game and make each game different from the previous one, such as:

  • extra points for using certain cards in combinations;
  • additional money for using cards of a certain suit;
  • additional card substitution to complete the combination;
  • random replacement of cards in the deck;
  • a copy of an already stolen joker;
  • bonuses for playing with face cards only and much more.

play balatro online

Five slots on the playing field are reserved for amplifiers. As the level grows, you can sell unnecessary jokers and strengthen the slots with better variants.

Strategies for a successful game

Fans of card games leave rave reviews about Balatro. The indie game has conquered novice users and experienced poker players. The game becomes more complex with each round, the party participants are forced to plan their moves ahead – try to collect favorable jokers, pump combinations with planetary cards, pick up vouchers that further strengthen the player’s position.

Balatro gives you the opportunity to take risks and win. Sometimes it is worth trying to put together a more complex combination, but you should always remember that stages involve a finite number of moves to swap cards. Before making a swap or using an amplifier, you should analyze how much the decision will affect the overall score.

Experience only comes with practice. Balatro is able to captivate for long hours and with each game to hold the interest of the user, adding new features to each round.


There is no doubt that Balatro is a game where it is important to be able to balance risk and calculation. I am sure that the correct use of amplifiers and a thoughtful approach to each hand are the key factors that will help you to successfully overcome new challenges and enjoy each game.

Start playing Balatro and develop your skills to become a true master of this exciting card game!

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